Monday, June 30, 2008

Homework for Tuesday

Focus on Vocabulary, pages 44-45
Part 1, #1-9
In groups, students will use the vocabulary in a dialog from the text.
All students must record their speech into a tape recorder given by the teacher.
One student reads part A, and another reads part B for #1-4.
For #5-9, students switch roles.
Students will hand in the tapes in class on Tuesday.

Students' Favorite Places

Today, all students gave a speech about their favorite place in nature. They had to send the teacher a picture of their favorite place and tell the class at least 5 things about it. Here is one example from the class paraphrased by me, the instructor.

Saad in Bali
Saad's favorite place is Bali, a famous small island of Indonesia. He went there in 2005 because he likes islands. He went jetskiing in the sea, and he saw a lot of people. His friends and family told him about Bali. The most interesting thing he saw there were people who were parasailing.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Homework for Monday

Speaking Topics, on page 34
Follow the directions for #1.
Also email a picture of your favorite place to me, so I can post it on the blog.

You will give a speech on Monday about your favorite place in nature. Please follow these guidlelines for your speech:
  1. Answer all 6 questions from the textbook.
  2. All the sentences you speak must be in complete sentences.
  3. You must speak loudly enough for everyone to hear.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Devil's Lake State Park

My favorite place to enjoy nature is Devil's Lake State Park, which is in the country. I went there two summers ago in 2006 to go camping and swimming with my friends. I saw a deep clean lake with bluffs on both sides. There were trees everywhere. When I went camping, I saw many bugs. When I went hiking, I saw turkey vultures and big rocks. When I went swimming, I saw many other people swimming and having picnics. I found out about Devil's Lake when my father took our family to the state park many years ago. Devil's Lake is in Wisconsin between Madison, where my mother lives, and the Wisconsin Dells, a city famous for summer fun.

Homework for Thursday

Grammar on page 29 and 31.
On another piece of paper, answer a and b at the bottom of page 29. Also write the right form of the verb for the 12 blanks on page 31.
Page 30 can help you with the grammar.

New Words

grow - 1) to have flowers or vegetables in a garden, 2) to get bigger
plant - v) to put seeds in the ground to become flowers or vegetables, n) something that grows from the ground like trees, flowers, and vegetables
garbage - paper and other things people don't want anymore (rubbish in UK)
yard - an area of land next to or behind a house
nature - trees, flowers, mountains, and other things outside

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Neighborhoods vs. Suburbs

What's the difference between suburbs and neighborhoods? I hope these different maps of Chicago will help you.

The first map shows the neighborhoods in Chicago.
The second map shows the suburbs around Chicago. There are neighborhoods in the city of Chicago and in the suburbs of Chicago.

New Words

crowded - Is La Crosse crowded?
neighborhoods - There are many different neighborhoods in Chicago.
suburbs - Neighborhoods are usually quiet in the suburbs.
traffic - What streets have heavy traffic in La Crosse?

Homework for Wednesday

Focus on Vocabulary #2, page 25
On a separate sheet of paper write the answer for all 7 blanks.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Students' Offbeat Jobs

Today, all students gave a speech on one offbeat job they would like to have or think is interesting. They had to do some research about the job, take notes, and present their report to the class. Here are 2 examples from the class paraphrased by me, the instructor.

Ji Su would like to be a curator. Curators work in museums and have to be knowledgeable about art and must appreciate the views of art critics. Curators have to like both art and history. Ji Su thinks being a curator is interesting because it's a very creative job and she likes art and history.

Satomi thinks that being a waitress at a themed Japanese cafe (a "maid cafe") is a good example of an offbeat job. Waitresses at themed cafes have to be creative and accommodating. They have to like costumes, manga, animation, and video games. Satomi thinks being a waitress is interesting because it is symbolic of Japanese otaku culture.

Homework for Tuesday

Focus on Vocabulary, page 24
#1, vocabulary 1-8

Central Park

Friday, June 20, 2008

Homework for Monday

Page 16 in your textbook.
Do the Research Topic (section E), #2.
Please write everything in complete sentences.
You will give a 30-60 second speech in class about your research on Monday.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!


Summary of Techniques

  1. Rise-fall of voice
  2. ... "Not!"
  3. "Yeah, right."

New Words

Excited - I am excited to visit my father this weekend.
Calm - My father is a calm person.
Serious - I am serious when I teach grammar.
Funny - 1) Austin Powers is funny. 2) When I speak Korean, it sounds a little funny.
Fun - This 4th of July will be fun.
Sarcasm - American university students use a lot of sarcasm.

Homework for Friday

Read your partner's answer to part 2 of Focus on Vocabulary, pages 10-11.
  • If your partner made mistakes, correct them.
  • If your partner's answers were good, write "Great job!" or "I agree."
  • If you don't know if your partner's answer is right or wrong, write "Maybe," or "I think so," or "I'm not sure."
  • If you don't understand your partner's answers, write "I don't understand."

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Homework for Thursday

Page 14
Grammar: Descriptive Adjectives
Part 1 - a, b, c
Part 2 - #1-7

Work together with your partner
Write your answers on one sheet of paper

New Words

Factory - a building where things are made
Taste - try food by eating a little bit
Creative - thinking of new ways of doing things
Flavor - particular taste of a food or drink
Spicy food - food with a strong flavor from spices

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Homework for Wednesday

Focus on Vocabulary, pages 9-11

Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Part 1 has 9 answers - words.

Part 2 has 10 answers - sentences.

Hand your answers in at the beginning of class on Wednesday, June 18th.

New Words

Offbeat: "Would you like to have an offbeat job in the future?"
Predict: "What do you predict about your English ability?"
Usual: "Is today's weather usual for La Crosse?"

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Day of Class

Offbeat Jobs

Animal Trainer

Astronomer - Carl Sagan

Mountain-Climbing Guide - in China

Private Detective - Inspector Clouseau

Cartoon Artists
Matt Groening
Miyazaki, Hayao

Professional Basketball Player - Yao Ming & Michael Jordan

New Words

Syllabus: "Today we read through the course syllabus."
Attendance: "Everyone was in attendance today."
Absence: "There were no absences today."
Pass: "All good students can pass my class."
Fail: "The worst thing you can do is fail my class."